Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My 30 Adventures before I turned 30: in my last 30 days of my 20's

            I have spent my twenties hearing about the dreaded 3-0.  Heard tales of the birthday rolling around and declaring how one is going to stay at 29.  I did not want to be one of those people who was afraid of a number.  I did not want to look at my life and find something lacking.  I have spent too much of it already thinking I was missing something and I am done with that.  And to be completely honest, my 20’s have not been very kind to me.  Yes, I was blessed to meet one of the best men in the world and I got to marry him.  I did write not only one novel but two.  I have made some amazing friends and traveled to Europe, Africa and New York City.  I have sat in the front row of a Broadway Show, ate the best hot dog, watched the sunset in Florence, and saw the lights go off for the night on the Eifel Tower.  However, I have had tragedy, sorrow, loss and struggles that I am so glad to put behind me.  All of that to say I wanted to make the last 30 days of my 20’s the best I could make them.  I wanted to go into my 30th year with a great celebration and declare that the best adventures are yet to come.  So, sit back and relax…and for all my fellow 30 year olds: Here’s to the best years of our lives!

Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels:
                I did not count this as one of my 30 adventures but I have wanted to do this work out video for the past few years but have always found myself afraid and discouraged by it.  I thought this was the perfect time in my life to suck it up and face my fear. 
 Week One, 5-12-2014:
                In this first week I found myself working out four times, twice was the video, once was going to a Zumba class and the last was a 45 minute walk.  I am very proud of myself for not giving up when my breath wheezed out of my lungs and sweat poured from my brow.  I pushed myself to do just one my squat, to get through one more set of crunches, to jump higher and do more than I ever thought I could. 
Week Two: 5-29-2014
                I started off the month great then sickness fell on our house and I found myself out for five days.  Even so, I pushed myself even more and found that I could go just a little longer and do more than the week before. 
Week Three: 6-8-2014
                In the midst of travel, I missed several days so in that absence I lost the rhythm I had built up.  I did break out the video while visiting my parents and I thought I was going to die.  The fun part though was my mom working out with me. 
Although I did not work out 5 days a week, nor did I find myself several pounds lighter, by the end I still feel better about myself and I began my 30’s a little more ripped than I was in my last year of my 20’s

Adventure One: “Epic” Books to Read…
                I have spent the past few months reading more than I have in a long time.  In these 30 days I wanted to read a classic or novels that I felt I needed to have read before I turned 30.  Here is my list and thoughts….
·         Pride and Prejudice:  This is a classic novel that I have tried to read so many times but have yet to finish and I have still yet to finish.  Maybe it’s because I already know how the story unfolds…who knows, so this book is still on my list of to-reads.
·         1984:  I thought it would be funny to read a book “about” the year I was born.  I read this novel in high school but could not remember much more than the line “Big Brother is watching you,” and “2+2=5”.  I sat down eager to reread it-10 pages later I threw the book down declaring that life was too short to read something so bad. 
·         Bird by Bird:  I started this book and it was absolutely fantastic.  It is a book about writing and the woes and hardships of putting words on paper.  I got about half way through the book and found myself caught up in living life so much that I had a hard time focusing on reading.  I do plan on buying this book, one so I can finish it and two so I can underline and make notes in the margins. 
·         Beloved:  Checked this book out, and was excited about the story but I never did get to it. 
·         The Sun Also Rises:   Another book I checked out from the library but never finished.
So the success of Adventure one wasn’t a home run…and actually you could say I barely even made it to first but I found that with all the other things I was doing I did not have time sit down and read. 
Adventure Two: “Epic” Movies to Watch…
                I love movies and just like the reading book adventure I wanted to fill my off times with fun movies that I have either not watched before, have not seen in years or movies that were made in the year I was born.  And ACTION!!!
                *Mary Poppins: (5-29) Michael and I finally watched Saving Mr. Banks and I found myself wanting to watch Mary Poppins once again.  It had been years since I last seen it and from the opening credits until they end scene I was smiling.  I also found that the scenes that I did not like when I was a child- the one where Jane and Michael go to the bank with their father and the old guy steals Michael’s money.  (Something I noticed this time though was the scary old guy was played by Dick Van Dike)  And the scene when Mr. Banks has to go to the meeting- that one was just boring.  Anyway, I still don’t like those scenes years later. 
                *Lord of the Rings: (5/24-5/26) I love this series, it is an amazing epic story about bravery and friendship.  Over Memorial Day Weekend, while it poured down outside, Michael and I hunkered down on our couch and watched all 3 movies and of course we watched the extended edition.  IT WAS AMAZING!
                *Ghost Busters: (Didn’t write down what day I watched this movie) This is one of the movies that was made in 1984 and I had never seen it.  It was rather cheesy and the affects were…well effects from 1984 but overall it was fun. 
                *Karate Kid: Another movie made in 1984.  Sadly I did not get around to watching this movie again. 

Adventure Three: Do something I have never done before…
(6-5) There was a lot of things I could have done but I decided to conquer something I had been afraid of doing for a while now and something my friend Kathryn has invited me to do many times and that was joining her for a CrossFit class.  The class itself was rather easy-granted Kathryn did say that particular class was an easy class.  No matter what, I finished with never giving up and the instructor complementing me on my form-so over all fun time!
Adventure Four: Go to a movie by myself…
                I have always wanted to do this because it just seemed fun and brave.  I sadly did not get around to do this adventure but I think I will try to go see Divergent at the dollar theater while Michael is at work.  I read the series and although I DID NOT like how it ended I enjoyed the story.  I have seen the previews and from them I know the movie probably will be a disappointment but you never know right?
Adventure Five: Get stuck in Traffic…
                I wanted to fill my time seeing people I love and feel have enriched my life in so many ways.  My dear, dear friend Rian is one of them and we had great intentions of fulfilling this adventure but sadly we did not get to, HOWEVER come mid-August Traffic will be found!!!
Adventure Six: Sing Karaoke…
                I really love Karaoke.  It is just a fun event to do with a group of friends.  I have not done this in a long time, unless you count the one time we did Karaoke at work when that place was fun…  This is another one that I was not able to squeeze in.  I promise though…I did accomplish more than one J
Adventure Seven: Have coffee/lunch/dinner with an old friend…
                (6-3) Now, before I go on I have to explain when I say old, I do not mean physically old…just someone I have known for a long time.  With that said, I decided I wanted to see my awesome friend Sara Musgrove.  We sat up a time, I made my way back to Brownwood and spent the whole day with her.  We actually did have coffee, lunch and dinner with one another.  We went to Common Grounds in the “mall” for lunch.  This little cafĂ© was not there when we were in college and it was fun to try out something new.  After talking for many hours, Sara made us coffee at her home and then when dinner time rolled around and I was still there I got to have dinner with the whole Musgrove family.  It was an amazing time of talking about everything from writing, books, college, old friends to fun pretty nails.  Although I do not get to see this awesome woman as much as I would like, I always find myself so refreshed and encouraged after spending time with her.  It is nice to be around someone who knows and understands me so well.  Thanks for the awesome day Sara!
                I also spontaneously got to see my dear friend Amanda Espinosa.  It had been way to long since I caught up with her and I was so thankful for the time we had with one another. 
Adventure Eight: Purge my stuff and sell it….
                Sorry, yet another one I did not get around to fulfilling.  Somehow all the ones I was unable to do ended up being at the beginning of my list. 

Adventure Nine: Finish a Sunday crossword puzzle…
                (5-27) Since I started dating Michael, when we go to his parent’s one of my favorite activities to do is to do the crossword puzzles from the paper.  Over the past 5 years I have been able to finish every day of the week’s puzzle except the Sunday.  I was determined to get through one and not give up.  Although the puzzles’ from the Waco paper are not as hard as the Dallas ones and the writer is not the best I pushed through and one week after starting I FINISHED!
                Yes, I did have the answers and yes I used them a couple of times HOWEVER I completed at least 2/3 of the crossword myself.  I partly blame the writer for me needing so much help.  Some of the hints did not make sense and the answers did not always go with the hints (at least I felt that way).  Lastly the answers that were 2 words or more did not have an indication in the hint that it was more than one word.  Nevertheless I am proud of myself for not giving up.
Adventure Ten: Have a conversation with a stranger…
                I have always found it amazing how some people can just start talking with people they do not know.
(5-21) I was at Starbucks, my home away from home, when a young woman who was sitting beside me starts up a conversation.  She asked if I went to Antioch, which I answered, “Yes.”  Then she said she felt like the Lord said I had a lot of hope and she needed hope in her life.  She then asked if I would pray hope over her.  It was such a blessing to get to pray for someone and to pray hope over her-something I have been working on having. 
                (5-16) Also, while we traveled to Colorado for my cousin Bobbi Jo’s wedding we had to stand in line for like ten years in order to pick up our car.  We talked to the people in front and behind of us…but nothing really stood out in our conversation. 
Adventure Eleven: Do something for someone else…
                You would think this would be one of the easiest ones to accomplish but somehow it took me several weeks to get someone to need my help J  Our friend’s the Saylors were working on fixing up their house and one day Aja asked if I would like to come over and help her paint her kitchen.  I spent a couple of hours and we got the first coat on the walls.  A few days later I went back and helped paint the bathroom.  I love to paint and it was a great time.
Adventure Twelve: Get a pedicure…
                The number of pedicures I have received in my life, I can count on one hand.  I can paint my own toes and they come out pretty good, but there is just something about sitting in a massage chair and having someone rub your legs and feet that makes it so awesome.  And to top it off, going with a friend makes the experience even better. 
                (5-31) When I was sharing my list with Kathryn and I read this one she so generously volunteered to go with me.  So one Saturday morning…or afternoon, we enjoyed getting pampered and emerged a while later with beautiful feet.  Afterwards I went shopping with her and then she made us lunch.  I love spending time with Kathryn and add in really girly events it makes it even better. 

Adventure Thirteen: Go swimming…
                Who doesn’t love swimming?  Unfortunately, this is one activity that I don’t get to do as much, thus the reason behind it being on the list. 
                (6-1) The day of the pool parties.  The first one was a going away party for some dear friends. Although it was sad saying goodbye to the Blankenships, I was so thankful for the time to catch up with Jackie before they headed to L.A.  The second, our life-group met up with another life-group at a different pool for swimming and a BBQ.  I did not swim for that long but I am still counting it. 
Adventure Fourteen: Go on a double-date…
                This is one of the unfinished adventures.  Hopefully sometime soon we will get to have a double date with some awesome people!!!
Adventure Fifteen: Fly a Kite…
                How I got through the 30 days without making this one happen is beyond me.
Adventure Sixteen: Go to two movies back-to-back…
                (6-13) While we were in Colorado visiting my family we went to the drive-in with my parents (you know come to think of it…this was kind of like a double date J ) The drive-in always has a double feature.  We saw Maleficent and The Million Dollar Arm.  Both movies were great and there is just nothing like watching movies outside.  Although watching two movies at the drive-in is not exactly the same as watching two movies at a walk-in, I am still counting it J
Adventure Seventeen: Have brunch with Girlfriends…
                (5-31) There is just something about brunch that makes breakfast food so much better and having it with girlfriends makes the event so great.  Jillian, Kathryn and Michael Ann came over and we had an amazing time eating great food and having great conversation.  I broke out my china Grandma Connie gave me, which is so appropriate for a women’s brunch since it is pink Depression glass and white china with pink roses painted on it.  I also got out my crystal glasses that Sara gave me years ago.  It is nice to be fancy once in a while.  I am so glad that I was able to host a time for some wonder friends and to catch up with them.
Adventure Eighteen: Buy a pair of red or pink heals…
                (5-22) Every women needs a pair of red or pink heels.  Seriously, there is just nothing like walking into a room with red heels that just makes a woman feel sexy and more feminine.  On Michael and I’s anniversary I decided I would head out to find my pair so I could wear them on our date that night.  I went to every store in the mall and I was about to give up because I was yet to find something that was not either a casual sandal or had a 10 inch heel (okay maybe not 10 inches…but still neck breaking height).  I decided to just glance in Sears quickly, not really believing I would find anything.  And sure enough, I walked through the aisles and found nothing.  I was about to leave when I turned the corner and saw the clearance aisle…and there on the top shelf sat the cutest two inch red heels at 50% off!  Success!

Adventure Nineteen: Watch the Sunrise…
                (6-5) The morning I went to CrossFit with Kathryn the class started at 6 a.m. so while we worked up a sweat, up came the sun. I couldn’t exactly see the sun…but I was up before it and whilst I was still up it rose…so therefore I am counting it.  I don’t get up that early very often so why waste the opportunity to have an adventure.
Adventure Twenty: Watch the Sunset…
                (5-26) Over Memorial Day weekend the rain stopped long enough for us to go outside.   While we ate dinner the sun began to set.  I could just make it out through the trees.  Some may say I didn’t exactly watch it set…but I say I did.
Adventure Twenty-one: Fast for a day…
                I have seen first-hand how God can move during a time of fasting so I wanted to put aside one day specifically to listen to Him.  I unfortunately I did not do this adventure, not to say that I did not hear God. J
Adventure Twenty-two: Host a Game Night…
            (5-25) Michael and I love playing board games.  We also love having friends over to enjoy one of our favorite past times with us.  We got together with our friends JD and Lindsey one spur of the moment afternoon.  We had been wanting to get together with these two for a while so it was great when we all had the time to do so.  They came over and we taught them how to play Mice and Mystics.  This was the first time Michael and I played this game with more than just the two of us and it was a fun change.  Not the greatest game to play when you want to also catch up with friends especially when they do not know how to play but all in all it was a fun time. 
Adventure Twenty-three: Go for a walk after dinner…
            (5-22) I love when I am at my Grandma’s house with all my family growing up, after dinner we always went for a walk.  I knew it would not be the same as walking around her neighborhood but I wanted to capture a part of my childhood that I really hold dear.  On our anniversary, Michael and I decided to tackle this adventure.  We planned on going down to Cameron Park but then for reason I don’t really remember we find ourselves at the mall and instead we simply walk around JC Penny’s for an hour.   It was not much of a walk but it defiantly helped with the uncomfortable fullness that we felt after our awesome meal at BJ’s.
Adventure Twenty-four: Eat a Sno Cone
                (5-14) I learned quickly that, at least in Waco, Texans love their sno cones in the summer and this tradition is one that I totally agree with!  There is just nothing else like sinking your spoon into that shaved ice and the first bite of cold goodness hitting tongue and satisfying you even on the hottest of days.  One afternoon after picking Michael up from school we were stopped at the stop light in front of Coco’s SnoCone on our way home and Michael suggests we get our first one of the season and conquer my first adventure.  I gladly agree and pull our car into the parking lot.  I enjoy my usual of wedding cake with cream while Michael enjoys his “Love-nest” (sno cone + ice cream).  It was a beautiful day and an amazing start to my adventures. 

Adventure Twenty-five: Have a Picnic…
                (5-26) There is just something about eating outside that makes food just taste different.  Having a picnic is never my first choice but it is something I wish I did more.  Michael also really loves cooking out so I knew he would be up for going whenever I said lets go.  We planned on heading to the lake on Memorial Day but I woke up on Monday with no voice and it then proceeded to rain most of the day.  I thought we may have to post-pone our picnic but by 6:30 it stopped raining so we decided to have it in our back yard.  Michael built a fire in our fire pit and we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for s’mores.  The setting was not exactly the one we had planned on but we still had a good time.
Adventure Twenty-six: Go to a food truck for a meal…
                I know that food trucks are mainly just another form of fast food, however I have heard a lot of great things about the ones in Waco and more importantly it is something I have never done before.  Unfortunately, I was unable to accomplish this adventure due to the fact that we had to make choices on what to spend money on…and going on vacation to Colorado was just more important than eating out.  Someday, hopefully soon I will check this one off my list. 
Adventure Twenty-seven: Have a water fight…
            When I hear the words water fight, I am automatically transported back to my childhood.  I am standing in my back yard with my parents and older brother.  My mom is armed with the water hose, my dad and brother with water guns and me…well I don’t really remember what I have.  I remember laughing and running around trying to escape the freezing water.  In Colorado, even in the summer the water comes out cold.  I don’t think you are ever too old for a water fight and I wanted to experience something that makes one suddenly feel young again.  Sadly, somehow the 30 days went by and no water fight happened, but Michael better watch out because, you never know…I might just have to pick up the hose while he is watering the grass and just spray it at him instead. 
Adventure Twenty-eight: Go to another State…
                (5/16-5/19)  Michael and I flew up to Colorado for my cousin Bobbi Jo’s wedding.  Although the time was very short and afterwards I felt like we spent more time in our rental car than another place, it was a great time of catching up with family.  The wedding was a fun celebration of the start of Caleb and Bobbi Jo’s life together and there really is nothing better than wedding cake. J  It is hard to believe that there is only one more of us to get married.  It seems like yesterday that Angelina, Sharee and I were putting together a time capsule to open up after we graduated high school. 
Adventure Twenty-nine: Eat dessert first…
                They say that life is too short not to eat dessert first once in a while and you know whoever “they” are…they are right.  Most of the time though, we talk about eating dessert but then we are too full to eat it after dinner so it never happens.  I love sweets and I wanted to have an empty stomach in-order to fully enjoy my dessert.  Michael and I were going to tackle this crazy hard adventure on our anniversary but when the time came to order I was so hungry that the thought of eating a rich, sweet pazoki made me not feel so good and we opted to wait until after dinner.  As predicted, we were rather full and although we still ordered dessert we could not come close to finishing it.  Maybe next time I will make sure that I have eaten lunch that day and thus not so hungry. 

Adventure Thirty: Play in the rain…
                (5-24) Playing in the rain is just something I think everyone should do as often they can.  There is just something about feeling water seep through cotton and denim that takes water from being a necessity of life to a toy that can make you laugh.  On Saturday of Memorial Day weekend while we sat cuddled on our couch watching NCIS, I heard the rain start to pour.  I turned to Michael and said, “Let’s go play!”  Without hesitation Michael gets up and runs out back with me.  We stand in the middle of our backyard as the cold rain pounded down.  We did not last long since it was so cold but we ran inside laughing at the craziness of going out in the rain.  I also was reminded of one of the reasons why I love Michael so much-he will do crazy things with me.
End Thoughts:
                My 30th birthday finally came and with it a sense of accomplishment.  Although I only finished two thirds of my list, I had so much fun doing the adventures I did get through.  I also look at it this way, the ones I did not get around to, give me something to do IN my 30th year. 
Getting older is inevitable.  The only alternative is well…death and if you were to ask me what I would rather do, turn 30 or well, not-I would choose 30 every time.  I also believe that we should not fear moving on to a new year even if we have yet to accomplish what we thought we would by a certain age.  Fear does not keep us from turning, instead it just distracts us from any good that is there.  I am lucky in that I found my spouse, am getting to do what I love, own my home, and am surrounded by amazing friends and family.  Not everyone gets to say that when they blow out their candles on their 30th birthday.  Although, I still lack things that I thought I would have by now, such as children and a pet, I still feel blessed.  If we spend all of our time dwelling on what we don’t have or what we have not accomplished we miss out on enjoying all that we do have and celebrating what we have done. 
I know I am not the first person to say this but that is what these adventures have taught me.  Life is what we make out if it.  If we are constantly in a state of, “When I have this…” or “I wish I could get this…” or “When I get married…” than even when those things do come we find that there is just something else to take its place.  Life is full of choices and honestly the biggest one, I believe is, “How are you going to choose to embrace the hand you are given?”  Are you going to celebrate the little things, are you going to go on little adventures every day and be able to look back at any given time and say, “I sure have lived a fun little life.” Or, are you going to live in a state of “If only’s?” 
This adventure list was not a bucket list…and yes I do have one of those as well but really simply a motivation and a reason to do the things that I love, to see the people I cherish and to face a couple of fears.  Not every moment of my 30 days was filled with some kind of purpose or preapproved adventure but I did find myself more intentional with my time.  I found that I laughed more and enjoyed the mundane everything events more.  Who says that everyday can’t hold adventure, even in most boring of tasks.  Life can get tiresome when you are doing the same things day in a day out so sometimes you just have to decide that you are going to make the mundane events an adventure, like you are a spy and your op you were sent on is to clean your kitchen and only through washing all the dishes, sweeping the floor and cleaning the counters can you save the world from destruction.  Just because you turn 30 or have children or don’t have the job you hoped for or someone special in your life or whatever is going on…it doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t go on adventures.