Tuesday, April 12, 2011

tooting my own horn....

i read on a friend of mine's blog that sometimes you have to toot your own horn...and it is so true.  we all like when others recognize our work, give us a high five for a job well done, tell us we did something well, thanked us for the work we did etc.  but the reality is, unfortunately is those instances don't always happen.  so why not recognize yourself once in awhile, reward yourself for a job well done, "high five" yourself for a working hard. 

its hard for me to think of myself as having talent, especially when i am surrounded with such amazingly talented people in my life.  so much so its hard for me to believe that they are my friends you know?  i'm like screech on "saved by the bell" whose best friends are the most popular kids in school...and you have to wonder, "how is that possible."  but screech had great qualities and he was happy with who he was and unashamed of his feelings and his intelligence. 

i am a really hard worker, who takes pride in the job i do.  even though its a simple shoe department in a retail store...its "mine" and it reflects on me.  its a joke at work when i close and i ask to you want it done to my standards or "lets get out of here" standards.  i always see the the work that needs to me done and its hard to leave work undone.  no one else knows all the in and outs of the shoe department.  i know where every shoe belongs, if its on clearance, if we are sold out and mostly how much each shoe cost.  you could say i am an expert on our shoes :) 

i am a good cook...how could i not be with my mom and grandma teaching me.  even though i struggle with being "creative" sometimes i always put something good on the table :)  i really enjoy cooking for my husband and hearing his reactions to the food he eats.  seriously one of my favorite things to do is cook for michael.  it doesn't feel like a chore...but truly what i was made to do.  call me old fashioned but no matter how good i am at selling shoes all i really want to do is be at home and take care of my family.  i get so much joy out of cleaning my house, doing laundry, going to the store, cooking dinner...yes its hard work and true its just michael and me right now but its wonderful :) 

i say i want more out of life once in awhile and it doesn't mean i am not happy with who i am and my life with my husband.  it really means i want more of what brings me joy and less of what makes me feel like i am wasting my time.  i want more time at home, i want more time to disciple girls, i want more time to be with my husband, i want more time to search for new recipes, i want more time to write.  maybe one day i will hang up my "shoe belt" and be able to have that time.  that day will be a great day :)  


  1. Love this Amy!!! Isn't being a wife wonderful??? You should share one of your yummy recipes :)

  2. All of this is what makes you such a special person. Thanks for sharing.

    I'm looking forward to one of your recipes, too.

