Every season of “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette” you can
guarantee I will be plastered to my TV every week watching in anticipation to
find out who will continue on this journey of love. My enthusiasm and dedication to this show
does not come out of my belief that this show works but simply for the brief
time I get to be a part of someone else’s story. Now, whether that story is reality or
fabricated for good ratings is not the point-the point is the story. I am convinced why shows like “The Bachelor”,
vlogging and blogging on the internet and, why memoirs and biographies continue
to flourish, comes down to one word-
Now when I say story, I am not talking about the “Once upon
a time…” kind of story. I am speaking of
what makes up someone’s life, someone’s being.
Everything that goes into making you, you. The little events which bring you to big out
comes and drive you down a certain road.
All of it comes together to form a unique story nobody else could ever
tell. This is what I mean by story.
Don’t get me wrong, I love getting lost in a new world of
fiction, to go on adventures in Narnia, the Cosmere, Hogwarts, or Middle Earth
just as much as the next girl. I love
the anticipation that comes when I open the cover of a new piece of
literature. When the days around me are
hard and I need nothing more than to get lost in something, fiction is my
go-to. However, in the midst of needing
to escape are the times of needing to know I am not alone in this world. I need reassurance that my mistakes and
struggles are things others have gone through and came out on the other side
still intact. These are the days I turn
to another’s actual story.
There is something about reading about someone else’s life,
his or her problems and heartaches, to get inside another’s mind and thoughts
that goes beyond getting lost in a new world.
Turning the page is so much more than finding who stands behind the
curtain, it is about why someone even needs to throw the curtain aside. As the reader I am brought into the journey
with the amazing sense of knowing this event actually happened. Between the covers of someone’s memoir is the
reality that not only is it possible to bike across America- someone actually
accomplished it. Not only is it possible
to overcome the rejection letter and continue writing but to become one of the
best known authors today.
Story is what makes me stand for 30 minutes in the aisle of a
book store reading about a former Bachelor’s experience on the show. It is what brings tears to my eyes when a
woman throws her broken hiking boot over the edge and screams in defeat. Story
gives me hope in the midst of failure knowing even the most successful stumbled
and fell. It is what draws me to people
I have never met and probably never will in a way that is beyond words. Story can be about escaping but it also can
go farther and deeper than that.
When we share our story on a page or screen we invite others
into our lives and our experiences become theirs’ as well. “Will you accept this rose” is not just about
two people saying yes to one another but also about those who take the time to
invest in the lives of those on the screen.
I think there is a need and a desire in all of us to be connected to
other people and to have someone else care about our story. When reading a biography or a memoir it
connects each of us to one another, even if it is only for a brief moment in
time. They are invitations into someone
else’s life and just like when we were children on the playground asking
another kid to be our friend, if we reach out, embrace the invitation, we get
the opportunity to become someone’s best friend for a while, as we run around
and hear her story.
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