Sunday, October 2, 2011


Michael and I went and saw the movie "Courageous" tonight and I was blown away!  I love that it tackled the issue of fatherhood and the importance of a father in a child's life.  I highly recommend it, yes there are a few cheesy moments but the script is great, the acting is good, the cinematography is good and the message is awesome!

You know we are all called to be courageous not just men, not just fathers.  I was thinking about courage on the drive home and what it means, and what it looks like.  Courage is defined as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. ( For me courage was today, asking our waiter if I could share my 30 second homework for class.  For some that may not sound like a big deal but to me actually opening my mouth and sharing or really asking if I could share was a huge step of faith for me.  I knew I had to so I could have my assignment done for class but more than that I knew I had to in order to break off fear of sharing the gospel.  Its such a funny thing, I talk to people all day everyday, interrupting their day to see if I can help them.  And in those moments, I have no fear.  The words simply come out of my mouth, I don't even have to think about them.  I think back to my first day though...and that was the case.  I was scared out of my mind to ask partly because I knew I wouldn't actually be able to answer the question, but more so because it was such a foreign concept for me.  Now 3 and half years later, I walk into work and the moment I am clocked in till I clock out I am talking and answering questions.  

Right now, sharing the gospel, sharing God's truth to people is like my first day at work.  I am so scared to just open my mouth and start talking.  Its funny because in Texas everyone talks to everyone no matter where you are or what you are doing.  Its such a natural thing to do yet, I my mouth losses all functionality when I go to share Jesus with someone.  So today, when I asked our waiter I felt a piece of that fear get chipped away and I have faith and hope that one day, sharing how God has changed my life will become second nature and I won't even have to think about what I am doing but I will just start doing it.  

I got a picture of community as I was just writing.  Today at lunch, I wasn't alone, I had my husband sitting next to me and two amazing friends across from me.  They I know where praying for and cheering my on on the inside.  You know, its really hard to have courage when you are alone.  Knowing that I had back up pushed me forward, pushed me share, pushed me to be courageous.  "For I did not give you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind"  2 Timothy 1:7

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