Michael and I had been praying for months about how much we wanted to give towards our trip. One day Michael came to me and told me the amount and in an instant I started worrying. I was afraid of giving that much. I started listing in my head all the things extra (besides our normal monthly costs) that we needed to pay for in the next few months, and I became fearful of how we would pay for those things. I then heard this amazing word about faith. When you are holding on to whatever it is in your life that you are afraid of letting go of, money, relationships, your job whatever it is...when you hold on so tightly to that something because you are afraid of letting go what happens is your hands are clenched tightly to that something. Your hands are closed...and when your hands are closed they are unable to receive the blessings the Lord has in store for you. But when you let go in faith the Lord is there and are know willing and able to receive. So I share this with you to encourage you. Maybe it is to give to our trip or to someone esle's trip or maybe its to let go of something else. All I know is that when I finally let go of our finances and said, "Okay God, I know you have called us to go, and called us to give...so here it is." I have experienced freedom that I hadn't before. Are Michael and I rolling in millions...NO. But what we are rolling in, is the provisions and faith of God, and to be honest...that's a whole lot better! :)

I do ask you to take the next few minutes right now, wait on God and ask Him if He is calling you to partner with us and give to our trip. Or if He is calling you to partner with us and pray as we go. Will you step out in faith and watch the Lord provide?
Thank you so much for you time and for your friendship. May God bless you in all that you are doing!
In Christ,
If any one would feels lead to give or pray let me know and I will give you the information
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